Friday 29 August 2014


Hello lovely people, woke up today in pain from Billy Blanks ultimate boot camp work out dvd and decided I deserved a treat ***smiling sheepishly***
So I've got the craving for yam chips, really slender, that's the only way I can ever get Skyler to eat yam and some egg sauce with little bits of left over bacon bits from my buttermilk pancake, honey and bacon bits breakfast. Let's carry on then;

For yam chips:
  • 5 slices of yam
  • 2 cups of veg oil
  • 5 small tomatoes, 2 small peppers and half an onion
  • 3 eggs
  • some bacon
  • Ok, chop up your yam into slim strips
  • Put your oil in the pan, let it heat up, you'll know it's hot enough when you drop some yam in it and it bubbles a bit.
  • Add a tablespoon of water after 5minutes of frying the yam then turn over, it's actually easier in a deep fryer
  • Fry for 5-8minutes and put the yam chips in the strainer, sprinkle salt or black pepper or both(season as you please:) )
  • For the eggs, chop up the peppers, onions, tomatoes and bacon.
  • Put two tablespoons of vegetable or soya oil in a pan, let it heat up a bit, throw in the onions, toss it around in the pan for a minute...
  • add the tomatoes and peppers
  • add a pinch or two of  salt, 1/2 a teaspoon of Cajun spice. Let it all caramelize into something like this...
  • Pour in the beaten eggs, add the bacon bits and voila, bon apetit!
For Ice coffee:
  • instant coffee
  • sugar
  • milk
  • ice
  • Put the instant coffee, sugar and milk in a cup, add a little bit of water, put in a shaker, shake it up a bit or if you have a frotter, you can use that, pour in a glass, add your ice, top up with cold water, stir and enjoy. Sometimes I like to alternate the whole milk with skimmed milk and the sugar with honey, super refreshing! :).

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